By: Landen Castimore

Photo taken by Tyler Yuhas 


Tyler Yuhas, a Senior enrolled full time at Jefferson Township High School has a dedicated pastime, playing a game called Rust. With a whopping 1,779 hours on this game, he says it’s his favorite. The basis of this game is a survival game, where the player starts with nothing on the beach. They run in and explore the map. Start with nothing and progress to high tier loot. There is player vs. player conflict and defending your base filled with loot is a must. He says he plays an average of 41 hours a week. When asked if all this time was worth it Yuhas said, “It has given me hours of enjoyment for $30.” When he was asked if he is the best player out of his friends, he said yes. He is able to control weapon recoil, aims accurately, and has good positioning. This is Yuhas’ passion and something he is dedicated to.
